Gregory Stauffer/cie le cabinet de curiosités
Since 2006, I have been hosting Soil Specific Choreographic Laboratories which share principles and methods of in-situ creation. In this laboratory we explore questions of circularity and aggradation* as they are conceptualised and applied in natural farming, and transpose them into artistic practices.
*an intention of increasing the soil's ressources by cultivating it.
Gregory Stauffer received the Prix des Arts 2022 of the Liechti Fondation for his engagement in the fields of the arts, ecology and emotions.
The research-creation of sustainable creative processes enters a second loop and in various forms of collaboration. This is based on an ecological and emotional thought-practice, making use of the methodologies developed by the choreographer Anna Halprin and the ecological designer David Holmgren. With far° he participates in the creation PERMA-CULTURE. With Mariela Nestora and Guy Cools they create a workshop on dramaturgy and creation tools which will be given in the sharing sessions around ddd dramaturgy tools led by AVDC, as well in the Duncan centre in Athens. Gregory gathers the main motifs of these two years of research and creation in the book Corps-permacirculaires. He continues the composition of Book of Presence, he composes with the post punk band Lune a set that will be played and recorded in studio in fall.
Working a collective garden in Evilard
Graduated in art therapy and somatic practices L2 Tamalpa Institute, Freiburg-im-Breisgau(D)
Sustainable Creative Processes article published in january 2022 in le Journal de la Recherche, La Manufacture.
Danser avec le vivant published in June 2022 in Hémisphères - Revue suisse de la recherche et de ses applications